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December 7th Meeting
Added Jun 15, 2023
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so a kilocalorie Milwaukee and Belvidere Illinois closest to Danza schist an assassin others want to eat at Euclid to detect Jonas ochocientos taste Euclid Avenue in Los Angeles California Hazel's place to stay stay stay stay at the hospital and get a OSHA standard Anniston do Para Nosotros tenemos formacion de los Ninos all right so what is the reason that were this to acceleration days are in the Strategic plan one clma eliminating opportunity again and it's under pillow one academic Excellence the strategy here is to Target a high-impact intervention an inspection of programs to accelerate learning such as the acceleration days they'll also occur during the summer but for us it'll be during these two acceleration days and tutoring for students that are in including our English Learners students disability students in foster care students experiencing homelessness and other historically underserved groups so that's the reason why we are having these two acceleration days to eliminate opportunity next flight Aura Estelle Christian do a low-key Las Vegas to a nest Ethan and respectable Academy so I can decide if those things through analysis to dientes con Magnus Los estudiantes de English Como Los estudiantes experimental you know God your class is storytime at the Beatles All That there's no acceleration day look like so are they going to schedule will mirror that of a standard school for example students will start at 8 and go a pencils to 30 piece for elementary or secondary they'll begin their day at 8:30 and between 3 and 3:30 food services will be provided to all students that are attending beyond the bell services are available for all students that are attending those acceleration days and transportation will be available for those qualifying students and they win vs. element that has a proportion Bianca scare a system alodias acceleration of the transporter in Pinellas Park moment just to see if any of our parents would have questions about Syracuse University game questions you can ask him seriously just get the love you get in but he started orthoboric jamming and myself is Tina Los estudiantes de San Patricio not that you would still like to register our students for those accelerate this please call our office on we are going to any student including those that may decide to go on that 19th of December however pre-registration is preferred any questions Falcons opponents of the reason for our meeting today was to really refuse acceleration base so some days to keep in mind December 16th is a shortened day or dismissal is at 1:55 again December 19th and 20th or IR acceleration days and then are December 1919 through 6 is our winter break our and was somewhat return on the 9th of January so it's the important part of a basketball court I want to see what they think of you as Extended Stay on this and Euclid and it'll be a No-No so let's all be the CIA not being in a size bolts are calendario wear them like oh hellos and Tina I said on everything that you are supposed to stay in the skeena I pick your web there light and I think mr. I'm not sure she even knows. Buenas Tardes a todos. Good afternoon everyone but I will go over some of this information what she's going to be doing it's just going to be meeting with parents and students of those students who have been a potential long-term English language learners they have not read faster fight yet as a fluent in English so there's the form that we're going to be looking at and and the requirements that the student needs to reclassify and as you can see to I guess I'll be your right but the the table that has the criteria those are the items that students need to complete and be able to meet in order to be able to reclassify . English blowing for example Grace three or four they need to have an advanced Mark in dibels above Benchmark in dibels and all the areas and also have a e l a weight of a three or better and they're also looking at the aspects scores when available and they will have to either meet or exceed and language arts so she would be sending an invite for those students who are affected and you will be meeting with her to go over the plan to Maracaibo Blaster Zeppelin Classic Country Classic on TV Maestro Miss Herrera Sedum plant located on Tennessee Avenue or the key K Stein and land in LA uno dos tres cuatro in English God is the world can start Annabel and Alexander tables or psychiatrist a Daniel pasado en el Consulado m I need an America in Alex Lyman dies back you can continue the SPSS. Santos de la meta definition for ciento De Los Padres correspondent linequest. Experiencia de la Escuela stay just a necessary weather in Bear tomorrow Los estudiantes de estudiante sister complete around in Questa Saturday if a dentist pregnant weather yesterday and why it was going to be a bartender be honest it's supposed to say about that yeah I must have stayed home and Dan do was ask. Located in Cuesta de cuatro cuatro Vientos Quattro padrecito ciento setenta Pakistan point is the most romantic Dallas weather S10 estado mandago recordatorios para Padres in no on getting access to Heath Elementary or an internet but I still think Westheimer and elmside Westin Buckhead la parte de la ciento Hallandale Eastland Cuesta para la Escuela La Puebla FC Barcelona and again I'm just going to touch a little bit at work we are at Winstar School experience survey if you can see on this light we have our staff members also took the school experience survey and we did receive our gold of 100% wooden surfboard and fire were also given the opportunity to take their students survey even though it says great three this year is Grace four and five took the survey and we have 99% of the students that completed the survey and by the end of this week I'm pretty sure will be 100% and parents this is where we need your help our goal is to have a hundred percent of our parents take the survey and get us. information about how we're doing as a school and and and areas like safety instruction welcoming environment so that gives you the opportunity to to voice doing as of now out of 444 parents only 262 have submitted the survey that gives us a rate of about 59% and it does include the ones that came in today so we're we're getting there almost there so what I did this week any parent that has not completed the survey I did send a paper survey something to Avalos the first envelope and then inside the envelope you have a return envelope once you complete that survey you can put it in the envelope and mail it directly yourself drop it in the post office or if you send it to the school I'll walk them over to the Post office one thing to just remember it next time did I did send this this little reminder it is important that if you want to complete the survey you sent this back with the student named room number and your signature to verify that you completed that this way I can provide the student with the price and also let us know that that you completed it if you have any questions you can put them on the chat and I can answer them later thank you anonymous they're sealed so we won't be able to see it if you do it on online we don't see it and that the district doesn't get any information of emails or will complete its history based on weather in Spanish Elise Tate dinosaur safety if you're referring to the question on the survey does the school provide supervision we have systems in place rules for the students do they have someone that they can go to to talk to you so if you seen all there are employees with a yellow vest on our campus at the doors that's all part of our to keep the school safe and make sure that all students are safe and and you are provided to us that one doesn't have a name so we actually pull it out put it in the mail and the other one just goes into into the trash so the one that you seal that's already filled that's not going to be and I was going to go straight to the to the post office if they don't want us to see them if you don't want if you don't want us you can deliver it to the post office any other questions. Thank you welcome actually I do okay how come only the older the 4th and 5th grade only taking the survey but why why not the other student like third second and first grade in Kinder that's the district decision in because they're more I guess able to understand and read the questions or Southern survey for them so but it's a district decision they make okay so which which surveyed do you guys are talking about that are that give the kids too loud and sent it this this just tells us how you completed this paper that we have on the screen to just let us know the thing is that it's one survey for parent so I want to give credit to families that have more than one student here so if you complete a student for one of your child in the 5th grade but you have a student and first grade and Kendrick you go ahead and write their name there so that I can also give him credit so they can I can also give him a price otherwise I would not who are the siblings are I somewhat think you okay all right so I know a lot of our parents have been asked about when are we performance are Crying Soul on Tuesday the 13th of December 4th and 5th will be performing in the auditorium parents you're invited the start time is 12:30 to 1:30 on Wednesday December 4th team second and third grade will be performing from 1:30 to 2:30 and then on December 15th which is a Thursday you tktk Kinder Kinder and first will perform being at 1 until 2:30 p.m. so father says the spot at in for my desk and West newest road bike or a La Semana que viene El destreza diciembre juntos comenzando Aldo see Mariah name Mariah name maybe I'll go see Mariah L Cuevas Breaking Bad at utk idmr Primera Grado de una I do see Mariah so-called power partner program looking forward to seeing you on here and personal we are going to take or those that are not present and then we will later put up on our website so far this season 0-1 episode 15 grandma is supposed to be nice. I just like one I would like to add that teachers will let you know if they have to wear anything specific parent Center okay miss my teeth when asparagus is San Jose but I don't see a photo thank you alright thank you spell coordinator located next to the perelman center I just wanted to remind you guys that I've been posting resources on the Instagram account that are available to you guys around the area there free or low-cost ending up in every Thursday free Thursday and I'll do we force it on the Facebook page as well I'm also next week student council came up with a spare week to celebrate going home for the holidays so I will be posting that up and I'm sending it out to teachers I want to encourage you guys to you no have your little ones participate in the five days that were having when I started this yesterday allow the parent Center Pediatric Urgent Care still don't care about the status of a state Coronavirus are we be getting more scared Chico's tostadas and the Spirit Week Los Cinco Dias puedo mandar applier thank you I said mr. Gonzales might you have some updates and Technology that's already updated or other than that we are still doing the device for at home use a program that is still going on I don't have a date on when it's sending but it could be this year but as far as I no it's still going so he still haven't requested a device please do that because this is a great opportunity for your students to have a device while also having one in the classroom it eliminates the back and forth that you what's the device that could lead to accidents or loss of the device it's better if you have one at home that you use for homework and studying and I want in the class that's always are available for testing as board everything by mentioning about winter break is that if you do have a device that the student brings back and forth and if the teacher assigns work over the break just a reminder to have the device in a safe place over the way Greg because I know at my home I have a lot of cats and people move around so please have your students and children make a spa at home where to buy stats away from activity in the house or where am I dropping break because that's a long time to have your device at home and we want them to have this device on their back because once they're back at school we're going to start working right away there's not going to be any anytime in between so we want our devices to be working when they're back and that's all yes. computadora para I will start Emilio Estefan did Waylon diagnostic or toward the mobile. Rihanna para Los Padres thank you and thank you again parents for 7 remember to look at our web how to keep informed of the latest information our phone number is 323-269-0345 please yes way to get ahold of me if you have my email address please. Boggan at where he actually served the please parents feel free to reach out with any questions or support that you may need father. Yeah I'm in Columbia Tennessee look at USB. Net Eco nail salon we must be in there so you know system was being so with that everyone thank you so much for joining us have a great afternoon and will see you soon thank you
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