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February 22nd Meeting
Added Jun 15, 2023
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good afternoon everyone and welcome to coffee with the principal that I'm very began have been to buy Belvedere Elementary School today I will be conducting the English card AB tonight I will be helping out with the Spanish part two to speed us along a very lengthy budget presentation so this is our agenda welcome we're going to talk a little bit about instruction a lot about budget a little bit of operation will share our bilingual and Title One program we have our parent reps here who will be sharing information or last 20 M and they will be sharing a little bit technology so just a reminder about our five pillars high-quality instruction pillar one academic Excellence join Wellness engagement collaboration arpilla number for Effectiveness and number 5 investing in staff I can just want to remind you of the staff that we have here to support our teachers my students this is golden principal and Miss Rosie Rosie ortho rapis so let's get started in terms of instruction and in bed animals instruction I just wanted to share with our parents around the community of schools Grant La Vega de la comunidad so our school has received $250,000 so that we can continue our community of school initiative will do it just to inform you are brats with Leep which also identifies us as a community of schools will come be completed this June however we now have been given this opportunity through our district 2 can you eat initiative so around 3 or parents will receive another phone call asking you to support our initiative or two not supported by indicating one or yes so far this didn't you stay open-minded who Noah centineo the Santaquin to normal Supreme on toasted or are we have a very lengthy a title Temptation that we will move forward as we go through the site at the present that I set a reminder in terms of Opera we will have a lock down drill tomorrow around 12:30 by the time I sent that he knows it over as soon as he almost at the Narrows then where are my community we did have a break in this again the long weekend just a reminder if you see something please call our school police at the number 213-625-6631 or the sheriff's number 323-264-4151 Pappasito's Gideon for marketing agency sent it to Alex Cuellar kimonos at people has not until Daniel Tennessee for the next Cola albanesius Palo Alto SSH make you think that you know all right so just a reminder of our staff here to support our students on mr. Rodriguez Nesconset card for M Mister Pedrosa Miss Medina and Atlantic and of course our office staff was always helpful and smiling and and waiting to support our parents Miss Marisa Ramirez our office manager with Villalobos Miss Alex mistress yeah and if Elisa and just to remind us that we do want to provide our students to stay at school and one of the ways that we do that is through our leader in me initiative by the Snowman Montana State University School academic probation on Monday. alright important information important dates March 3rd is a minimum day as we begin our March 6 to 10 parent conferences also marks 689 if we have shortened days due to our conference missile at 1:55 March 23rd is open house for the 5:30 March 24th is a shortened a dismissal at 1:55 March 31st that start with j r sport office is closed April 3rd and 4th or our next acceleration days you will hear more about that as move through the month of March and then April 3 through 7 is our spring break has important as a present yeah meaning of ideas in Marshall Marshall Space or two and I'll meet you both in my sweats got some yesterday RC play Mania go the Marshall is he at Portola despedida De La Luna cincuenta Cinco cincuenta you know that Marshall is almost finished. traffic control theory song via text Ella. I would have almost a compartir is there a test for my son missed your email mr. Pickle's eyes in here but he wants to thank you again for being here and we'll present our annual School gold and budget consultation meeting today alright sorry annual goals and budget consultation meeting Spanish mr. Russell De La Reunion this is Polaris Consultants of real place. All right sorry I've checked us are as follows we're going to review the budget development cycle or going to learn about various school funding resources and how our school uses I support student achievement and will provide our families and opportunity to share thoughts and recommendations on how to use our resources to support our students celebration Del Paraiso questo Barton Souza pensamientos recomendaciones para cycle so a year-round planning and budget this allows our schools to more effectively analyze student me set goals and prioritize Investments while before school receive it received its funding allocation it's an ongoing process of monitoring data sharing data with Boulders and evaluating programs to ensure academic and social progress proceso de planificacion eraser Royal El preso Crystal Grand Theft Auto online you spell meticulous as well as analysts in Mass epic has meant a lot to the artist establish a m e p r a z o d o n t i c k receive a signature on the phone instead mulattos las partes Oddish evolution all right so during the summer we conduct training and 84 star all we do a car the asset mapping we have back to in the spring we received projected allocation we dropped a budget aligning all funding sources with agreed-upon priorities re-review budget and school plan for stew achievement with stakeholders and we are just as necessary in the fall we meet with School site Council will review student achievement data we assess prior Year's plans and goals compared to snow next week that's cool clan revising as needed Based on data and we conduct student stakeholder surveys and focus groups to gather feedback and then in the winter we revise our school friend using the feedback setting goals developing strategy is an identifying resources prioritizing Investments and build budget scenarios and I think I went the wrong way the 710 and bananas. play the latest out of my stuff with me. Ella in the lotto new piston Western Premier Hotel De Anza College student deal Vamos a bailar El plan De Los meses del ano anterior and Nicole bus Michael's doctor's Gustavus all animals that has a spot this interests interests grupos de porque para criar what did he say Rosario's de las partes in Paris emociones what's 10 + 0 + 0 + 0 equals to read a s m r us are on Verrado Road or west or Elena do Aliando Dan ciarcia really tell me until yesterday until spsa, who's this it messed up thank you for doing the Spanish so school funding resources there unrestricted and then there's restricted in the unrestricted we have local control funding formula we have general fund school program we have supplemental and concentration plans that are earmarked for tsp we have to in the restricted of funding sources we have specially funded programs categorical programs such as Title One and title 3 we have grass we have special education and cafeteria pictures of horses that are filling station Escolar I found assistant West Los Angeles una Familia de nacimiento Lake patios equals in fraction pisteando respess Pacifica program the permitted use of general fund dollars local state and federal revenue employee salaries and benefits day-to-day substitute teachers books and supplies nurses and psychologist operating expenses little Outlet building improvements Estonian and sartorial supplies Solace condos Grand Pointe condos listen to Carlos Carlos Carlos salario de los empleados suplimente suplente eBay Maestro's bordia libros sobre nuestros in Fitness open open English Capital photos Sion Jose Heroes so the purpose of Title 1 bus the purpose of Title 1 funds is to provide extra academic support for students who are at risk of not meeting the standards these funds come from the federal government based on the percentage of qualify for free or reduced-price meals positions and items funded by 501 South lemon and not the fat beats provided by General Store in Raleigh. Ingles Deli too long with broken toe or stand in rose gold video system can a person or agency do Los huesos y articulaciones yeah those or is it alone. complement our nose fix plantar and proportional permitted use of fun China $1 federal revenue Personnel teacher release time teacher a next time for those funded with title 14 regular admission tickets transportation and Equipment instructional materials software Sharon and fought and family involvement this is some ways that are funds from title ones making I don't know English. Level Bella's maestro I'll ask Susie tiempox by Los maestros in and shadows for a little or no excursionist in Brothers boletos de Sales Tax Board pay people materialism software so School interventionist supports every year Allstate 3D skull white needed to determine how to invest our budget allocation to improve student learning English Learners advisory counselor or elac make recommendations Based on data to School site Council academic support personnel interventions are written in our school or student achievement spsa the tallest Welliver Indian restaurant Northwest ra assignation West area office in Glasgow Nationals vs. Astros is PSE how we invest our Title One at our school we provide Title 1 coordinator we invest our money and our Ela intervention teachers in our community current Representatives professional development interventions process and our copier so that we can make copies for a student's email people's messages. animals for dinner I don't know what is that you can see on and lectura in English Kevin Sheehan so the purpose of Archie of the state funding formula called the local control funding formula lcf benefice three targeted student population ESP students for English Learners students who are Foster students who are low-income the Los Angeles Unified has a put it in it that a portion LC's FF fans will be allocated to schools directing These funds must be spent on increase improve services and programs to close Equity gas or Street and B Street Target being a little jealous condos and Samantha. lcf falsafa fastspot is so not producing glass big lie answer yes to dientes De bajos ingresos industry tonificar condos LLC FL designated Survivor Aquila what is glucose salt permitted use VSP dollars local control funding formula lcfa we can purchase Personnel example Community representative our school psychologist Nurse Program advisor teacher assistants are professional development teacher X time and date release tax is on tsp does 10 tsp at the formula vegenation, Del programa what does a minor stroke in his Arroyo professional tiempox to plant a radish so how do we invest start to get tsp funds to support student sheneman at Belvedere we use this funding every year to support Saturday and prevention classes or intervention teacher example Miss I've ever lost our attendance counselor Miss Lopez in Salinas are psychiatric social worker my supervision needs and teacher assistants are Community rep our intervention prevention coordinator Miss Herrera rtst by Mingo coordinator and is beyond our math intervention teacher is to be until a body is Meniere's in Coalinga Newman Elementary in Las Casas intervention intervention Escuela Supervision in a Muslim Social Security Selena Miss Medina on Thursday and intervention this one second so how do we invest our tsps are sending funds to support student achievement I'm so not again here we have our intervention teachers for Math Miss McGee Namibia and we also purchased the general supplies so that we can have available for students tsps are you sending that apple is via is the intervention in Dallas all right men s p s a and the targeted student population tsp plan is something that we updated every So the plan is to be until Electro-Voice shimento does PSPs set up Jessica line you say Sunday in Berkeley the school plan for student achievement as TSA are the state of California requires that every school receiving Title 1 funds must write a plan to describe how they will spend those funds to meet the needs of students who qualify for Title One qualify for title what the plan is called the school play Crystal next shipment or SD estate all of these plans are submitted to the state and a document called the Consolidated application or con so if Landon student will receive SSI El estado de California right here, is where I can receive a condo Plan B Spot let me see that as it looks to be a catalytic a battle approaches do is to be NPO stasaints Planning Center in Wendover Nevada on Soledad in English app so I targeted student population tan TS Atlanta SP para Las pulgas Jonas is to be a sister targeted student population Budget Host program 1093 Supports phone number one hundred percent graduation program 10984 old number to proficiency for all program 10985 old number three 100% attendance program 1097 bolt or parent and Community engagement and then I need programs in 988 number 5 school cpsw needle and a single-purpose ESO solo Squad Legos that are super super busy people and Field & Stream 80s. knowing that your children is a cheap person to do is be as simple as Al Cien por ciento programa Evolution base yet they participate in Social Security. a budget is more than just a series of numbers on a stage it is an embodiment of our values Barack Obama Barack Obama in the parking lot is Mighty delicious so here we have our summary of allocation a budget development added next year I know it might be a little tiny but this is available at HTTP school directory. always fast food directory and is it public information and it outlines be our general fund and what our school has been allocated it's a set price of Puesto de varios condos in Panama City Wella is so sorry I cheated. all right so the summary proposal has recommended items for Belvedere Elementary School or the 2020 2024 school year are as follows Ela and math intervention teachers intervention prevention coordinator Saturday and after-school intervention social emotional support RPS w attendance Awards Arceus a continued Community current Representatives teacher assistant listen to quattro is on on my Susie intervention near Lake is like Dora in Montana pictures what is a pigment shield on PS wpsa it wasn't a apartment in the Laguna De Assisi what is the Maestro's assistant position to Pearle Vision I think we all made it someone very important our Technology support Monroe Sunoco so budget next steps what services might you want to keep what services might you want to stop what new Services might you want to start keep in mind some categorical allegorical funds may only be invested in specific purchases in Santo in a Superstore Kissimmee Suzuki serum has to spend it alone has found us. Apostolic wedding invitation in Congress a specific so we want to hear your ideas so take a minute think I we want to take your ideas down so loud it will help us to put this time together he wanted families to share ideas in the chat or if you'd like you can open up your mic and let us know but please share out your ideas and will try to respond to look at it must get the Ensign in information on getting mosque in West Los Angeles to CVS and then Shadow put in with an apple we change what am I sometimes I know it's a lot of information but this is the spring and this is one we make decision about how we're going to invest our money so anything that you would like to add anything that you think about maybe you should. How many points do they have dark Karen is saying that everything looks good to her and that week she did received the survey so that our parents may agree or disagree with the 250,000 colors that are our state and our district are providing us so that we can continue our community has school identification apps and and you can always share with us either through a phone call or note in the office we would gladly accept your ideas so when schools families and Community groups together to support learning children tend to be better in school stay in school longer and Life School more this is a quote from an Henderson and her nap so we thank you so much for your participation escuelas de Familia es Familia this evening and another subpoena of Singapore in the temple is Worcester Mass basketball Park protista a little blurb from is a Fonseca reminder parents that are Saturday intervention continues this of February 25th or 3rd a session March 4th March 11th March 18th and March 25th very important has a spec testing is around the corner Marshall Express 7 is the elpac I said no 6th Avenue in Aurora or parent Representatives might just have something to share with her what is Silas mean what's on my list eparis invest all right and I think here's a list of our parents enter workshop on every Tuesday for sure good afternoon and I'm extra Jose grade school coordinator next to the parent Center room 34 if you guys ever need something some resources want to find out some pork chops or anything that's going on you can always come by me I want to invite you guys to our community with club that will be starting this Monday and this is a continuation of last year where we read a series of different exceptions from books so I want invite you guys to come join us we will be meeting here in the car center every Monday starting next Monday and we will be joining the rest of the Easter Bunny Coming stick glue Telugu star control and early broken parking and all I can look at the other a second. Tempest Tempest gracias thank you thank you everyone again when I was honest. old mr. Christian good morning parents real quick just a reminder about the testing that was mentioned earlier that's coming up soon for testing we want devices to be at 100% every student so in regards to that we replaced 150 Chromebooks with updated ones these are Chromebooks that were outdated so we gave them new ones but that's just the list in the district if your students has old computers or broken computers or anything like that look over their computer at home so that you can see if some students don't speak up when issues with the computer eat at them. They're shy or for some other reason so look it over when it's at home and if it looks like there is damage or anything that might affect testing let you know the office know where the teacher know and then they can read I really like information to me and we could switch their computer out because we want testing to go smoothly just like last year when someone we wanted to continue to be my message San Jacinto cincuenta computadoras para Las fiestas look at what I've already sent a Masked Singer thank you so very much for being here with us remember you can always communicate via our website at Melbourne LAUSD school or on our phone number 323-269-0345 or directly through email at your place. Gogan at LAUSD. Net or something as mundane as tectonic. website yeah Middlesex telefono de dos tres cuatro cinco email address. Bogan I said well thank you everyone. Bye
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